Thursday, April 28, 2022

Social-Emotional Learning: Responsible Decision-Making

Responsible Decision-Making is a core competency for educators: we are making so many decisions every day. Our choices impact our students' learning experiences and learning environment. This is why the ability to make caring and constructive choices about personal behavior and social interactions is so important! (CASEL

We also must make good decisions about our own professional learning and focus on durable learning, not something that is forgotten by next month or school year. There is so much information about the science of learning. This is one of the most important ones:  “Learning is not an event, but rather a process that unfolds over time.” [1] Choosing to focus on durable learning is a great choice!

NCS2021 Hurricane Ridge

This picture is from the Hurricane Ridge in Olympic National Park, WA. It is such a beautiful place, but too often people get lost in the mountains. Sometimes we teachers get lost in what is important in education. It is not the test scores! The most important duty for every teacher is empowering students to focus on durable learning and keep learning on their own - so that they can make responsible decisions for their own lives in the future.

[1] Stahl, S. M., Davis, R. L., Kim, D. H., Lowe, N. G., Carlson, R. E., Fountain, K., & Grady, M. M. (2010). Play it again: The master psychopharmacology program as an example of interval learning in bite-sized portions. CNS spectrums, 15(8), 491-504.

Wednesday, April 27, 2022

Social-Emotional Learning: Self-Awareness

The beauty of the nature helps me grow. Visiting the Lake Crescent last weekend and seeing all the beauty of an old groth forest and the lake was amazing. I have learned that I need to make time to focus on the beauty of the nature as a part of my self-care. 

NCS2022 Lake Crescent, WA

Taking care of one's own wellbeing starts from having self-compassion. Being kind to myself includes visiting beautiful places, and we have plenty of those in Washington state, Taking time to enjoy them is important. The research of self-compassion states there are three components:self-kindness, common humanity and mindfulness. [1] I find the nature walks to soothe my soul and help me be a better me.

[1] Neff, Kristin D. "Self‐compassion, self‐esteem, and well‐being." Social and personality psychology compass 5.1 (2011): 1-12.

Thursday, April 21, 2022

Social-Emotional Learning: Relationship Skills

 Having healthy relationships is a key ingredient both for life and learning. We need skills to communicate clearly and collaborate with each other, and resolve conflicts in a constructive way. (CASEL)

For teachers it is sometimes hard to ask for help, especially in learning context, just because we are subjet matter experts in learning. We spend our days helping others to learn. Therefore, focusing on our own help-seeking skill is important!

NCS 2020 Hawai'i

Asking for help can make learning a much more enjoyable experience - and having positive learning experiences helps us to want to learn more. In modern world everyday learning, or life-long learning is an essential skill. This is true for everyone, but even more so for educators, which is why my preferred question for my teacher students is: How can I help you today?

Please visit Notes from Nina to learn more about 

Three Dimensions of Teachers' Learning  and Teachers' Pedagogical Knowledge