Wednesday, March 16, 2022

Social-Emotional Learning: Self-Management

Learning how to manage our emotions is an important part of education. Taking turns, making friends and helping others are necessary skills to be successful in life and learning. We don't acquite these skills magically overnight, they require lots of practice. (CASEL) Feeling motivation and agency to accomplish goals. 

Stress-management skills have been very necessary during the past two years. Learning something new helps us to focus on the future. But learning doesn't happen overnight, and we need to have the growth mindset to try again. And again. Until we meet our goal. Our students need this too! Engaging in positive self-talk helps! 


This obviously means that we must build a learning environment where students can practice failing - if every assessment is high stakes it is impossible for students to learn from their mistakes. Emphasizing Growth Mindset is important, but even more important is to build student-centered assessments for students (projects, portfolios, etc.) so that they can get feedback about their learning, and try again.

To support students' self-management we must have strong pedagogical competence in all 3 areas of Teachers Pedagogical Knowledge: Instructional Process, Learning Process and Assessment. 

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