Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Social-Emotional Learning: Self-Management

I blogged in my other blog NotesFromNina about the importance of focusing on adult SEL in 2025. I am a Finn, and I like my old Finnish proverbs, and one of them reads like this: "Ei voi kauhalla ottaa jos on lusikalla annettu".  English translation is pretty much like this: "When someone has been given with a spoon, they can't be asked to give back with a ladle."

The origin is not pretty, because it often was used to point out someone's lack of intelligence. But, the statement is quite true: if we have only received a spoonful (of anything), we cannot give to others with full ladles. 

My point here really is: in order to help others we HAVE TO take care of ourselves. Hence, the importance of Self-Care and Self-Management for everyone who is teaching.

I found this arrangement on the beach in late January and wondered if someone made it as an artistic expression. However, I didn't see too many footprints around it, so I also wondered if waves had just thrown the debris there. No matter how it came to be, there it was on the beach, making me happy and finding some awe in my daily walk. 

For me awe is needed for happiness, whether it is the mountains, or the ocean, or the desert or the forest, there is always something nearly magical in those environments. They are bigger than us. They sustain us.  Here is more about how to find Awe in our lives to find more ways to feel better and manage our daily work. I do believe that in all levels of education we also need more of Hopeful Pedagogy!

Monday, January 6, 2025

Social-Emotional Learning: Self-Management

Learning to use adult SEL strategies are worth our time! Our self-regulation can only work if we are aware of our stressors and needs, and also have ways to manage them. Learning what works for us on personal level takes a little time, but for most people looking at long-distance views is very valuable.  

We can calm our nervous system by gazing into empty spaces - which is why I love to visit the ocean and the mountains, and open fields and the desert. Viewing the expanse helps us to set things into manageable perspectives and let go of some of the demands of our daily lives. 

Here is a link to Psychology Today about the value of  Long-Distance Views I hope you enjoy it! :)

Tuesday, December 10, 2024

Social-Emotional Learning: Social Awareness

Recognizing Situational Demands and Opportunities is a very important adult SEL skill.

Learning to play with others is an important step in  human development. - it is the first step of understanding that all human behavior is communication. Later we learn to adjust our behaviors according to the location or people we interact with, which reduces our frustrations in social situations.

After just watching others play we start to play near others, but not really with them. After this parallel play we learn to interact more with others and usually after the age of 4, we start to pay attention to their body language and the tone of their voices and cooperate with others. But our development continues throughout our lives, and we learn to understand others better. If we choose to.
We all have different ways and different skills to  express our needs. This is why the hardest part of growing up might be learning how to hear the real message behind certain behaviors. And in any interaction we can decide to respond to the need of the other, instead of simply reacting to what they say or do. 

Our perception of the behaviors of others defines our actions. Not the reality, but our interpretation of the situation. I am still learning this! 

Monday, November 11, 2024

Social-Emotional Learning: Responsible Decision-Making

Learning and teaching about making better decisions is an important part of SEL. And I think Responsible Decision-Making is a lifelong process. Some things that were not safe for us in childhood, but were okay in early adulthood, may become dangerous again when we age enough. But having a safe place to practice making responsible decisions is essential.

Learning and teaching are always situational and contextual activities. We need to know ourselves and understand the needs of our students to be successful in supporting their agency and create physically and emotionally safe learning environments where students can practice making responsible decisions. It is a skill like anything else and therefore cannot magically emerge in a vacuum without practice.

Providing these safe and positive learning experiences has a long-lasting impact in out students lives.  

Thursday, August 22, 2024

Social-Emotional Learning: Self-Awareness

Engaging in Self-Awareness practices helps us understand our reactions to daily situations, and make an active choice of how we want to deal with them. Remembering that we have choices is a crucially important part of our agency - and when our own agency is strong, we can better support our students' agency, too. Learner agency is the students' voice and choice in their own learning.

Finding time for practicing self-awareness can be hard. My solution is to go for a walk in the nature because it helps me to focus. 

How are you supporting your wellbeing? What are your practices for learning more about yourself?

CASEL has a great resource for Transformative SEL, where you can find more about supporting students identity and agency. And  HOPE is a helpful resource for embedding positive experiences to our everyday teaching practices.

Thursday, July 18, 2024

Social-Emotional Learning: Relationship Skills

Connection to nature is an important part of learning the social-emotional skills we all need. 

Recent research emphasizes the impact of nature on people's health. We need fresh air and water. Kids love to play with water and sand.

Here is an interesting article from "Project Learning Tree"

Mother Nature is a great teacher and getting kids outside to learn and play is good for their brains and their bodies. 

Contact with nature is more essential today given that children are spending nearly 8 hours a day using entertainment media and only 6 percent of children ages 9-13 play outside on their own. We are at risk of losing an entire generation’s appreciation for how nature works and what it needs to remain healthy and productive.

Here you can listen about  Trauma-informed Design 

And here is recent research about nature connection:

Lanza, K., Alcazar, M., Chen, B., & Kohl III, H. W. (2023). Connection to nature is associated with social-emotional learning of children. Current Research in Ecological and Social Psychology4, 100083.

Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Social-Emotional Learning: Self-Management

Learning to manage our own emotions can only happen after we become aware of them. This is why SEL education is so crucially important in all levels of education - it doesn't matter whether you are 3 or 13 or 93 years old (or anything in between!), we still benefit from being able to manage our stress and motivations. I discuss SEL every day in my work - my students are teachers earning their M.Ed. degrees.

Before I started to really discuss and write about SEL and dig deeper into Resilience Science, I already knew that beach walks always made me feel better. Now I also know why it happens: managing my emotions helps me to adjust to external demands of work and life. For me, personally, the salty smell of the ocean and the sound of crashing waves is insanely relaxing. 

Resilience is like a muscle that we can train with practice (instead of an inherent trait of personality), and all our positive experiences can contribute for us to become more resilient over time. 

The important part is to find something that work for you. Something that you enjoy, so that it is not a chore.