Monday, April 22, 2024

Social-Emotional Learning: Relationship Skills

While collaborating with others we need to learn the abilities to engage in active listening and cooperating, and also to be able to communicating clearly. Sometimes I think that I was very clear with my words, but when I ask others to reiterate it, the message becomes quite different from what I meant it to be. I believe this happens to all of us! :)

Teamwork at best is extremely rewarding! At worst it might become an experience we will never want to repeat. It is important for our students to experience the positive aspects of teamwork and learning from each other. (Reminder for us who teach: every day we DO have the opportunity to learn from our students!)

Seeking help and offering it are also very important parts of teamwork. We always learn from each other! 

Saturday, April 13, 2024

Social-Emotional Learning: Self-Awareness

SEL: Identifying one's own emotions is one of the building blocks of self-awareness. 

To be 100% honest with you, I have always, always loved sunsets and sunrises. There is just something magical about them: a whole new day to use, do whatever I think/believe I need to or want to do - it is always a new beginning! Or the sunset to get the necessary rest tand then start anew the next morning.

This sunset is from the Hawai'ian island of Maui. I was priviledged to visit there and enjoy the warmth and sunshine. For sure there were some rains, too, and I love, LOVE the way the locals call rains as "blessings".  :)

Gratitude is a wonderful emotion that helps us to pay good things forward. Also: we all NEED and DESERVE the rest and relaxation. What are you doing today or this week to be nice to yourself? 
